Greetings, fellow sky enthusiasts! If you cast your eyes towards the Moon this Thursday through binoculars or a small telescope, you may be in for a treat – the sight of a giant “X” on the lunar surface. And if you follow along the terminator line, you might even spot a temporary “V” shape on the Moon as well.
Curious about the terminator line? It’s an imaginary line that separates the day side from the night side of any celestial body orbiting the Sun. For the Moon, this line offers a unique opportunity to grasp its three-dimensional shape.
As the Sun descends towards the horizon along the terminator line, it creates long shadows on the lunar surface, revealing various structures and features. This interplay of light and shadow provides a sense of depth, giving a 2D image a 3D appearance.
During the first quarter phase of the Moon, intriguing shadows form patterns resembling the letters V and X. This visual trickery is a result of how the Sun’s rays interact with specific points on the lunar surface, gradually shaping these recognizable figures over time.
If you’re eager to witness the X and V on the Moon, mark your calendars for Thursday, March 6. Around 11 pm UTC, the terminator line will align perfectly with these features, making them visible for about an hour. And if you miss it this time, fret not – the X and V grace the lunar surface regularly, with upcoming opportunities on April 5 and June 3.
So, grab your binoculars or telescope, step outside, and marvel at this celestial spectacle unfolding above us. Who knows what other lunar mysteries and wonders await us to uncover!