The leader of a controversial “Roko’s Basilisk” cult, Jack “Ziz” LaSota, has been making headlines after being arrested for alleged involvement in a string of murders across the country. Despite facing serious charges, LaSota maintained her innocence during a recent bail hearing in Maryland, where she also requested a vegan diet.
During the hearing, LaSota, a vocal advocate for animal rights, argued that her vegan beliefs are integral to her identity and well-being. Despite initial skepticism from the judge, LaSota’s mother was able to secure vegan food for her while she awaits trial.
In addition to her dietary demands, LaSota is known for promoting a controversial practice known as “unihemispheric sleep” on her blog. This practice involves attempting to sleep with only one half of the brain, leaving the other half alert. Some speculate that she uses this method to manipulate individuals and create a vulnerable psychological state, a tactic often employed by cult leaders.
Despite her pleas for leniency, LaSota’s bail request was ultimately denied due to the unusual circumstances of her case. The judge expressed concerns about the allegations against her and the potential risks posed by her continued involvement in the cult. It appears that LaSota will have to face the consequences of her actions as the legal process unfolds.