- Even though he wasn’t consulted on his replacement, David Letterman revealed that he saw Jon Stewart as the ideal candidate to host The Late Show.
- Letterman commended Stephen Colbert for effortlessly handling the hosting duties.
- Letterman confessed to missing his late-night hosting days but found solace in watching Colbert take over the reins.
David Letterman is widely regarded as one of the greatest talk show hosts of all time, making it a tough act to follow for anyone stepping into his shoes. Luckily for Stephen Colbert, he has not only succeeded in filling Letterman’s spot but has also become one of the wealthiest talk show hosts in the industry.
Prior to Colbert taking over, David Letterman was known for his controversial moments that sometimes led guests to storm off his show. Given his penchant for pushing boundaries, it’s no surprise that Letterman openly admitted that he did not envision Colbert as his successor.
This article delves into Letterman’s initial thoughts on who would succeed him and whether he played a part in Colbert’s selection. Furthermore, it explores Letterman’s perspective on Stephen Colbert’s hosting abilities.
David Letterman’s Prediction: Jon Stewart to Take Over The Late Show
From 1993 to 2015, David Letterman was a late-night TV icon, making his departure from Late Show with David Letterman a significant moment. As Stephen Colbert stepped into his shoes, it marked the end of an era in late-night television.
Let’s rephrase a sentence:
Original sentence: The dog ran quickly down the street.
Rewritten sentence: The canine dashed swiftly along the road. Another sentence: “The cat jumped onto the table and knocked over the vase.”
The feline leapt onto the table and knocked down the vase. sentence: Please make sure you have finished the necessary training before beginning your new job.